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Paul writes, in Romans 1:11-12, that he wants to see the members of the Roman church in person.

A principle which I see in these verses is that there is great value in meeting people in person. There is a level of emotional connection which cannot be replicated online or via email, texting and IM. It appears that there is a similar limitation spiritually.

What this says to me is that I need to apply the concept of Management by Walking Around not only to my teaching, but also to my spiritual objectives as well.

As an aside, it is surprising to see Peter Drucker, the management guru, credited with coining SMART objectives in 1954. Hmm…a couple of posters claimed to review the primary source, The Practice of Management, and can’t find SMART goals anywhere in his writings.

Categories: bible
  1. Jonathan
    January 29, 2008 at 6:05 pm

    Several people have pointed out that Drucker may or may not be the originator of SMART. I’m guilty of basing things on a potentially faulty memory. http://alignment.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/smart-objectives/#comment-8404 Although I’ve never thought about the religious connotations of MBWA, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.

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